

052177 Introduction to Electron Microscopy


发布时间 :2015-01-19  点击量:


Course Name: Introduction to Electron Microscopy
Credit: 2
Prerequisites: N/A
This lecture will give an introduction to scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), including the fundamental principles, the structure of the microscopes, the formation and the interpretation of the micrographs, the sample preparation and the utilization of the equipments. The lecture will also give an overview of the application of electron microscopes in materials science, biological/medical science and related fields. As an introductive course, the emphasis of the lectures will be on the basic principles and application of the microscopes. Meanwhile, case studies of popular materials and possible projects in real research will also be discussed.

兴庆校区:陕西省西安市咸宁西路28号西安交通大学西一楼335室 邮编:710049

创新港校区:陕西省西安市长安区河堤路中国西部科技创新港四号巨构8005室 邮编:710115
