

052067 Structure-Property Relations of Materials


发布时间 :2015-01-18  点击量:


Course Name: Structure-Property Relations of Materials
Credit: 2
Prireauisites: General Physics and General Chemistry
Functional materials including crystals and textured materials have been widely used in electronics. acoustics, and many other areas. The relationship between structures and properties of functional materials is the most important subject for the materials science and engineering. The main subject of this course is about the tensors, matrices, symmetry and structure-property relationship of functional materials. The course has been start with the fundamental groundwork including point groups and physical properties of crystals in general. The rest of the course deals with the mechanical, dielectric, piezoelectric, magnetic and optical properties of the materials and their relationships with structures. The course gives numerous important applications in many fields of engineering.

兴庆校区:陕西省西安市咸宁西路28号西安交通大学西一楼335室 邮编:710049

创新港校区:陕西省西安市长安区河堤路中国西部科技创新港四号巨构8005室 邮编:710115
