

052191 Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices


发布时间 :2015-01-19  点击量:


Course Name: Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices
Credit: 2  
Prerequisites:  Introduction to Quantum Mechanics; Introduction to Solid State Physics; Introduction to Electromagnetic Theory; Introduction to Physical Electronics
 In accordance to the research directions of the Department of Electronic Science and Technology (such as electronic materials, new generation of vacuum electronics and plasma electronics), this course will teach the fundamentals of computational methods that are often used in the investigation and design of electronic materials and devices. Through the training of seven individual modules, we will familiarize fresh graduate students to computational methods that they can employ in their different research projects.

兴庆校区:陕西省西安市咸宁西路28号西安交通大学西一楼335室 邮编:710049

创新港校区:陕西省西安市长安区河堤路中国西部科技创新港四号巨构8005室 邮编:710115
