

052194 Physics of Semiconductor Devices


发布时间 :2015-01-19  点击量:


Course Name: Physics of Semiconductor Devices
Credit:  2
Prerequisites: Quantum Mechanics
This graduate course is one of the most important classical courses for the semiconductor major. It explains the basic terminology, models, properties, and concepts associated with semiconductors and semiconductor devices. It gives readers immediate access to detailed descriptions of the underlying physics and performance characteristics of all major bipolar, field-effect, microwave, photonic, optoelectronics, and sensor devices. Besides, it also provide a study and reference on the state-of-art development of modern semiconductor devices. After completion of this course, it is expected that graduate students benefit from the systematic and analytical methodology in sovling practice device problems in their graduate thesis work in the short term, as well their lifelong career of scientific research.

兴庆校区:陕西省西安市咸宁西路28号西安交通大学西一楼335室 邮编:710049

创新港校区:陕西省西安市长安区河堤路中国西部科技创新港四号巨构8005室 邮编:710115
