

052098 System Optimization and Scheduling


发布时间 :2015-01-19  点击量:


Course Title:System Optimization and Scheduling
Prerequisites: calculus, linear algebra
      This course discusses the models and methodologies of system optimization with applications to production scheduling. There are mainly two parts covered in this course. The first part deals with the basic concepts and methods of optimization including brief introduction to optimization, problem formulations, unconstrained optimization, and constrained optimization over convex sets, duality and dual optimization methods, etc. The second part discusses applications of the optimization methods in production scheduling of manufacturing and electrical power systems including the problem descriptions of manufacturing scheduling, framework and complexity of scheduling problems, main methods and their applicable scopes for production scheduling; descriptions of power generation scheduling, hybrid optimization, Lagrangian based solution methodologies, etc.

兴庆校区:陕西省西安市咸宁西路28号西安交通大学西一楼335室 邮编:710049

创新港校区:陕西省西安市长安区河堤路中国西部科技创新港四号巨构8005室 邮编:710115
